For more information, check the step by step that we leave you in the next section

Step 1: In the search bar...

In the search bar located on the upper right side of the page, enter the SHP Number.

Step 2: Under Do you...

Under Do you have any billing inquiry? Click on the Submit

Step 3: Choose from the menu...

Choose from the menu the reason for your inquiry: Reclass, Reweight, Dimensions change, etc.

Step 4: In the box below...

In the box below, explain the situation, adding as many details as possible.

Step 5: Add your email or...

Add your email or the email of anyone who needs to receive updates about this inquiry. You will receive all updates by email.

Step 6: Upload at least...

Upload at least two documents to support the inquiry.

Step 7: Click the Accept...

Click the Accept